In the aftermath of the electromagnetic pulse that swept through the sky in Ashes (Egmont Publishing), the world is a wasteland with all electronic devices destroyed, nuclear reactors decimated, and millions of people dead. Now Ilsa J. Bick brings readers to a more dangerous and unpredictable world for the survivors in SHADOWS, the spine-chilling sequel to the acclaimed novel. Fans of The Hunger Games series or Stephen King's The Stand will be drawn in by the characters' fight to survive long enough to see the dawn break through the darkness.
Ilsa J. Bick brings a unique perspective to her novel of destruction and survival, both as a result of her military service during the first Gulf War and her years as a child and adolescent psychiatrist. She's witnessed the aftermath of war on the mind and worked with people grappling with their private hells. She understands the brutality of which we are all capable.
"When the world ends, people really won't be terribly well-behaved," says Bick about her motivation to write the trilogy. "Being a shrink, I'm particularly interested in the dark side and I know that the biggest unknown, in any disaster, is people: how they change, what they become, the lengths they're willing to go to survive. Part of my interest is probably also influenced by the fact that I'm the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, so that kind of catastrophe—where the world crumbles and people become monsters—is a sort of background music."
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