In the distant future during a lull in the intermittent interstellar war, astrogator Quarr and her pilot Kryger are given leave to explore a remote solar system under the guise of searching out their adversaries. Quarr has personal reasons for undertaking the journey, reasons that just might get them both killed.
Unbeknownst to Quarr, one of the ancient enemies of her people has already arrived at their intended destination, seeking to conquer and exploit the planet. And with an evil genius member of her family offering his services to the self-proclaimed deity, Quarr is in for a shock when their scoutship emerges from subspace and is caught in an unusual trap.
Unable to escape back into subspace, they fight their way to the planet where the invincible entity and its minions are conducting a reign of terror. When Kryger's safety is compromised, Quarr is faced with a difficult choice: lose her pilot to the evil force or resort to a dangerous, almost forgotten practice that may bring with it catastrophic consequences.
A meticulously crafted future filled with incredible species and heart-stopping action, Libeau and Fulcher deliver a thrilling journey to the farthest reaches of the imagination. Rich characters and vibrant dialogue elevate the proceedings beyond the run-of-the-mill science fiction standards, creating a unique experience packed with energy and edge. The perfect adventure for science fiction fans and non-fans alike, Season of Predators signals the arrival of a great new heroine-and a remarkable new novel.
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