Science Learning in the Early Years: Activities for PreK-2 provides teachers with detailed guidance on how to use more than 40 classroom activities with children as young as four years old. This new NSTA Press book shows how to go beyond classroom demonstrations to experiences that give students a solid scientific foundation. It also helps teachers introduce kids to the challenges and fun of science.
Science Learning in the Early Years focuses on science concepts that are important, clearly presented, and developmentally appropriate; connect to the Next Generation Science Standards; and highlight safety concerns. Teachers learn to group individual activities into an ongoing science unit so science inquiry can develop in their classrooms over time.
The author is teacher, columnist, and blogger Peggy Ashbrook. In the book's introduction, early childhood education expert Karen Worth writes, "Peggy Ashbrook has been a driving force in bringing an understanding of the importance of high-quality science and engineering teaching and learning. ... Critical to the tone and content is the fact that she writes from her own years of experience in the classroom and her deep practical as well as theoretical understanding." She adds, "This is a book that adults working with children in many different settings will want to keep on hand and return to as a resource and guide for planning and implementing rich science and engineering experiences for children."
Browse sample pages of this title for free at the NSTA Science Store website.
For additional information or to purchase Science Learning in the Early Years: Activities for PreK-2, visit the NSTA Science Store. To order by phone, call 800-277-5300 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET weekdays. The 376-page book is priced at $30.95 and discount-priced for NSTA members at $24.76. (Stock #PB407X; ISBN #978-1-941316-33-7)
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The Arlington, VA-based National Science Teachers Association is the largest professional organization in the world promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. NSTA's current membership includes approximately 55,000 science teachers, science supervisors, administrators, scientists, business and industry representatives, and others involved in science education.
NSTA Press produces 25 to 30 new books and e-books each year. Focused on the preK-college market and specifically aimed at teachers of science, NSTA Press titles offer a unique blend of accurate scientific content and sound teaching strategies. Follow NSTA Press on Facebook for the latest information and new book releases.