"Guilty Until Proven Innocent" immediately captivates you as Ally Lohman, a young vibrant Australian woman, attempts to move out of her alcoholic father's home to elope with her boyfriend Nicholas, an altercation leaves Ally in a coma, her father dead, and Nicholas unjustly accused of murder. Ally recovers, although with no memory of the incident, and travels to Germany to take care of her beloved grandmother. But she soon learns that even here peace cannot be found as she uncovers a sinister plot, devised by her grandmother's handyman, to murder the elderly woman and steal her estate. Ally is determined to thwart the crime, with hopes then of returning to Australia, recovering her memory, and finally reuniting with Nicholas.
About the Author:
Born in the Netherlands, Alida van den Bos lives in Bonnells Bay, Central Coast, near Newcastle, Australia. Her love of writing has been a lifelong pursuit, leading her to become a novelist five years ago. For this book, van den Bos was inspired, in part, by the childhood experience of German occupation during WWII when innocent people were incarcerated.
"Guilty Until Proven Innocent" (ISBN: 978-1-60911-915-7) is available for $14.50 and can be ordered through the publisher's website: http://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/GuiltyUntilProvenInnocent.html, Amazon, or the website of Barnes and Noble.
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