"Danced with the Devil" is the story of Bill Wilson, a man who accidentally commits murder, and the lengths he goes through to remain free.
One rainy night, in a fit of rage Bill takes the life of a woman who has constantly needled him about his sexual identity crisis. Bill has always felt he was a woman trapped inside a man's body. Fearing prison, he makes another mistake: getting his escape money by robbing a mob runner. Now Bill needs to disappear and change his looks so no one will ever recognize him.
With the stolen funds, Bill changes himself into the person he has always wanted to become. But as his metamorphosis progresses, he must murder again...and again. Except now there is nothing accidental about it.
"Danced with the Devil" is a thriller with a bit of a twist. Bill is a transgender (he believes he is a woman in a man's body). Of course, other characters think he's gay. So as if his identity crisis was not enough, he has Agnes causing him problems, until he murders her in a fit of rage. What ensues is a fast-paced run from the law and gangsters. The book is great. It's a relatively quick read, quicker because it never really slows down." - Amazon reviewer
"Ronald Thompson has come up with an incredibly unique plot. Not relating to the main character in any way, made me more interested in his story, because it was very far from being a run-of-the-mill mundane tale. I could not guess what he was going to do next. I also enjoyed how the main character was able to create a unique escape from a complicated situation. While his ideas were ingenious, his downfall turned out to be his true human nature. The contrast between his ideas and his final actions is what keeps the story interesting. If everything were to work out perfectly it would seem too far fetched...I highly recommend "Danced with the Devil", especially to readers groups who will enjoy discussing the twists and turns in the storyline. There will definitely be some stimulating conversation!" - Paige Lovitt for Reader Views
About the Author
Ronald Thompson works as a technical writer and resides in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, with his wife. His literary writings have been published in several leading newspapers.
Author's website: http://www.readronaldthompson.com
Book Details
Genre: Fiction / Crime
Author: Ronald Thompson
Format: Hardback, 136 pages
Pub date: September 2014
"DANCED WITH THE DEVIL" (ISBN: 978-1-60693-569-9) is now available for $22.50 and can be ordered through the publisher's website:
http://www.eloquentbooks.com/DancedWithTheDevil.html, Amazon, or the website of Barnes and Noble.
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