"Apostle Paul's Case: The Root of the Lie We Have Been Told for 2000 Years" is an eye opener and is a must-read for anyone wishing to truly understand the Bible and follow Jesus Christ in truth.
Could it be that the turbulent times of today stem from the false teachings by Paul the Apostle in the first century? The world is now paying the price for these lies, and is being punished for following Paul's teachings, rather than the original laws prescribed in the Old Testament.
F.P. Josh takes a look back at the time of Jesus, as well as the conflicts between the teachings of Paul and Apostle Peter. Using scripture, the author makes the case that Paul changed some of the laws handed down by God in the Old Testament, and twisted the teachings of Jesus to suit his own purposes. Josh states that Paul changed his personal story many times to keep himself from running afoul of local Jewish priests and the Roman Empire, yet he is responsible in part for 14 of the 27 books in the New Testament. The authors asks, "Is it too late to turn from these teachings to save the world or ourselves?"
Watch the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hNmCfFFHyc
About the Author
F.P. Josh was born on March 3, 1976 in West Africa. He began his journey as a Christian in his early twenties. After earning his general certificate of education, he eventually moved to the United States to continue his education in business administration at Bellevue University in Nebraska. After problems with finances prevented continuing his education, he began to fall away from his faith. It started with clubs and women, moved to bank robbery, and eventually to international smuggling. The author was eventually caught and placed in prison on August 12, 2002. There he began to attend services for the inmates and found his way back to his faith. It was during this time that he had the revelation, and the Holy Spirit led him to write several books. Now F.P Josh is the managing director of his own company.
APOSTLE PAUL'S CASE: THE ROOT OF THE LIE WE HAVE BEEN TOLD FOR 2000 YEARS (ISBN: 978-1-63135-192-1) is now available for $12.95 and can be ordered through the publisher's website:
http://sbpra.com/FPJosh or at www(dot)amazon(dot)com or www(dot)barnesandnoble(dot)com.
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