OK. So what are "Gamibots"? This fun craft was invented by author Bakham Sayavong, who came up with the idea of creating a robot made out of paper. Much like origami - which is the Japanese art of paper folding - "Gamibots" is a wonderful art form that is inexpensive and can be made by most anyone.
"Gamibots" originated when the author was younger and his family didn't have much money to spend on toys. He created "Gamibots" out of paper to play with instead. One big advantage to "Gamibots", is that crafters can create more than one, even building up an army to play with. If destroyed, worn, or deteriorated, they can be recreated again.
The author says, "Recently, I did a test run showing "Gamibots" to children of different ages. They all loved it and were very curious. My target audience is nine years old and older. However, I also showed my product to toddlers, who loved it as well. Although toddlers may not be able to fold the paper perfectly, their parents can, and then they can play with the end product."
"This book teaches a fascinating new craft that will entertain children of all ages. We are thrilled to announce its release," said Robert Fletcher, CEO of Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Agency.
Watch the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHgvpldp9NY
About the Author: Bakham Sayavong originally grew up on the East Coast of the U.S. He then lived in the Midwest, where he met Tam Sayavong, his wife. They both grew tired of the cold weather and snow, and then moved to Pennsylvania.
"GAMIBOTS" (ISBN: 978-1-62857-781-5) is now available for $41.50 and can be ordered through the publisher's website:
http://sbprabooks.com/BakhamandTamSayavong, Amazon, or the website of Barnes & Noble.
WHOLESALERS: This book is distributed by Ingram Books and other wholesale distributors. Contact your representative with the ISBN for purchase. Wholesale purchase for retailers, universities, libraries, and other organizations is also available through the publisher; please email bookorder(at)sbpra(dot)net
Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co, LLC