In the early 1900s, Sarah, a single mother of six children, is trapped in the bloody upheaval marking the death of Czarist Russia and the birth of the Soviet Union.
Growing up in New York City during the Great Depression and World War II, author Isabelle Stamler would listen to her grandmother, Sarah, tell the many colorful and heroic stories from her life. These stories make up 'Sarah's Ten Fingers'. As the young author would sit and hear of the bravery and sacrifices made in order to bring her family in to a better existence, Stamler knew these stories needed to be heard by a larger audience.
In 'Sarah's Ten Fingers', Stamler traces her family's roots back to the small Belarussian hamlet of Vashisht, telling their story of the journey from Russia, to a new life in New York City.
'Sarah's Ten Fingers' contains history, adventure, sacrifice and faith written by a direct descendant during one of our countries most important generations.