Mental illness affects 1 in 4 Americans every single year. Beyond those afflicted are their loved ones: mothers, children and spouses who try their best to offer support and patience.
Author S. C. Ryder spent 9 years of her life with a husband who developed signs of bipolar disorder, 9 years that ended with him taking a bus out of a hospital stay never to be seen again. During that whole time, she kept a journal recording the downhill condition of her husband.
Ryder wrote her new book, "Miracles, Moons, and Madness", based on that journal. She wants people to know that there is support for every member of the family, not just the person afflicted with the illness.
"Mental illness is not a joke," Ryder said. "It can cut through a beautiful personality and leave a trail of ruined lives in its wake."
As time passed, the physical and emotional pain caused by her loved one's bipolar disorder symptoms took an enormous toll on Ryder and their finances. It took them from happiness and employment to hospital trips.
Mental health is an issue of rising prominence in the U.S. Ryder encourages people to follow the principles of LUF: love, understanding, and forgiveness. As more people come to understand the impact it can have on individual and family well-being, it is equally important to understand what form these consequences can take and how to seek help.
Miracles, Moons, and Madness
By S. C. Ryder
Available in softcover, hardcover, e-book
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Google Books.
About the author
S. C. Ryder is a former racehorse rider who spends her time farming, humanely raising angora goats to shear for fiber. She chose to put her experiences with mental illness into writing after spending 9 years of her life living with her husband who developed bipolar disorder.
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For review copies or interview requests, contact:
Craig Cainkar
(317) 602-7137