Novelist Rosa Mae Carrier was born and raised in the place that molded her into the person she is today, but she believes everyone should understand the need to seek the seasons of their lives and embrace changes for personal growth.
That urge to help others find happiness-along with encouragement from children and grandchildren-was the cornerstone of inspiration in writing her book, "Pathways to Fight or Flight."
The story unfolds in a small town in New England where Millie Craig is struggling to grow and make a life for her two children and herself. Abandoned by her father at the age of two and neglected by her mother, she is a broken woman who has learned from her past and tries to reshape her future.
The author remembers living through hard times throughout her childhood and credits her faith in God for bringing her through those moments. Carrier purposely wrote "Pathways to Fight or Flight" with strong characters to be uplifting to readers as an example for their own lives.
"I would like to reach readers who need to know they are not alone, that they are better than the life thrown at them," Carrier said. "I hope readers can find their own courage to redesign the matter that causes them pain."
For information, visit http://www.rosamaecarrier.com.
Pathways to Fight or Flight
By Rosa Mae Carrier
ISBN: 978-1-46539-396-8
Available in softcover, hardcover and e-book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Xlibris online bookstores
About the author
Rosa Mae Carrier has always loved to write and is determined to share her own seasons of life with readers to let them know they are not alone. "Pathways to Fight or Flight" is Carrier's second published book. Her first, "Fragile Blossom," was published in 2007.