Dra. Rosa Flores, DMFT writes a fascinating look at a baby's development in the womb starting out as an embryo. ""Peque"... Las memorias de un embrion!" (published by AuthorHouse) describes the physicality of the development, along with the emotional poetry dedicated to the embryo.
This book allows pregnant women to follow the development of their own embryos along with the miracle of the life that they created. It also helps with establishing a deep connection between the mother and the baby. The ongoing conversation combines the facts of the development with the emotions and feelings and the poetry from the writer towards the readers.
"I hope that people can see the joy of following - week after week - the development of an embryo and the fascinating transformation of a little human being, onto a beautiful human baby," Flores on her book.
Bringing the element of human creation, the human existence and the miracle of life into picture, this book provides a refreshing side to looking at the essential side of human life.
An excerpt from the book reads:
Ya se acerca tu llegada...
Ya empiezan a cantar los pajaritos...felices...en algarabía uniforme...Y los árboles ya se preparan para lucir su mejor traje para cuando tú llegues...Escucho cómo las aves y las plantas...todos aplauden contentos porque ya se siente tu presencia...Se escuchan poco a poco tus pasitos dulces...de princesita fina llena de magia y candor...Shantal de infinitos bosques...de praderas encantadas...Shantal de vientos distantes, que nos traen canciones nuevas cuando se mueven los árboles..Shantal buena y noble...Cada que sale el sol se escucha tu dulce canto...cada que brilla la Luna se siente tu fina esencia...Y en cada latir del alma se siente tu respirar....! Oh...! Criaturita hecha de Luz...Cómo se alegran las nubes allá en el cielo y cómo se ilumina el horizonte cuando tu nombre hermoso se dibuja grande y lindo arriba en el arcoíris... Prodigio de oro...! Formada estás...de perfección, de encanto, y de armonía! Y se ilumina el camino por el que ya vienes... iluminando también la vida y el corazón de todos los que con anhelo: Te esperamos...!!!! QUE INTERMINABLE PRODIGIO!!!!"
""Peque"... Las memorias de un embrion!"
By Dra. Rosa Flores, DMFT
Softcover | 8.5 x 8.5in | 36 pages | ISBN 9781504962094
E-Book | 36 pages | ISBN 9781504966689
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Rosa Flores was born in Colima, Mexico. She graduated from The University of Colima, with a bachelor's degree in Literature and Communication. She has worked as a journalist, and used to write in a weekly newspaper about issues related to women in abusive relationships. She moved to United States in May of 1990. She worked as a dance instructor for many years at The East Bay Center For The Performing Arts, in Richmond, California. In 1996, Flores enrolled in a clinical psychology master program and graduated in 2000. She moved to Denver, where she worked as a mental health professional for two different clinics. In 2012, she completed a doctorate degree and opened her private practice where she offers psychotherapy services for couples, individuals and families. Flores is also a certified eating disorder therapist, a certified addiction counselor, a certified play therapist and a board certified clinical sexologist. She enjoys writing poetry, dancing Huapango and reading.