Ron Rolaine's exploration of the "invisible Spirit world" persists in the second installment to his Journey Beyond Infinite series subtitled Judges, Kings, Ancient History. In this book, he presents in-depth analyses and analogies of biblical accounts that provide a main focus on the book of Judges, book of Kings, and other stories, and the existence of the Immortal God and Yahweh, the Living God.
As a continuation of his discovery of ignored spiritual truths, Ron Rolaine discloses more secrets from the Bible starting from the book of Joshua, the kings who reigned over the Israelites, and the chosen people of God. The author's interpretations not only focus on the spiritual aspects, but he also shares how the understanding of these newly discovered truths can leave positive effects on a believer's life.
The analogies presented also create a scenario of how the Bible reflects the state of mankind and the world. In the story of Job, Ron Rolaine states: "Mankind failed miserably, and Planet Earth remained in this cursed condition until Yahweh destroyed the universe with a flood of energy.... Job is an analogy of mankind taken out from under Yahweh's care in Eden, and forced to cope with his own, now corruptible flesh and blood, in all its limitations; against the...conflicting forces of nature that Yahweh built into the new Planet Earth."
According to the author, "This a mental, logical and spiritual journey," and by understanding each facet of the Holy Bible and the spiritual truths that go unnoticed, he aims not only to enlighten Christians, but also help others see the "invisible Spirit world," encouraging them to immerse in the wisdoms of God and apply these to their lives.
Journey Beyond Infinite: Book 2 Judges, Kings, Ancient History is now available for purchase in both print and e-book versions.
Title: Journey Beyond Infinite: Book 2 Judges, Kings, Ancient History
Author: Ron Rolaine
Genre: Christian/Spiritual
ISBN: 978-1-4958-0255-3 (Print)
978-1-4958-0256-0 (e-book)
Pages: 546
Price: N/A
Publication Date: July 2014
Publisher: Infinity Publishing