HOME HILL, Australia
HOME HILL, Australia - One of Ron Nielsen's friends owns Oondooroo Station, a cattle and sheep station near the town of Winton in Central West Queensland, Australia. Upon learning about the place, Nielsen found that it has a rich history. This inspired him to write a story around it in his novel, "An Oondooroo Sky" (published by Xlibris AU).
This book relates a historical story about the activities in the sheep raising town of Winton and the tug steamer "The Young Australian." It is a look back into the tapestry of events that happened around the area like the shearers strike in Winton, the two World Wars and the events during the building of the telegraph line along Roper River near Katherine.
When asked about what stands out in his book, Nielsen says that it is the characters who are "so unusual, but very Australian." This book is a window into the life and character of Australia and its inhabitants from the past going to the present.
"An Oondooroo Sky"
By Ron Nielsen
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 514 pages | ISBN 9781499026450
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 514 pages | ISBN 9781499026429
E-Book | 514 pages | ISBN 9781499026474
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Ron Nielsen was born in the small sugarcane growing town of Home Hill, Queensland, in 1947. He cut sugarcane by hand for five years before cane harvesters came into operation, which ended the career of the cane cutter. Nielsen obtained work at the Inkerman Sugar Mill, driving a sugar train. His hobbies are fishing, drawing and painting. He also likes aircrafts and going to car shows.
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