"The Pullian Legacy" series was inspired from a vivid dream Ron Boorer had experienced. He wanted to write it as his legacy to his family who encouraged him so others could enjoy his books as well. His fourth and concluding book in the series titled "The Pullian Legacy: The Islands of Dorond" (published by Xlibris AU) follows a story of love and the right to live free from fear and oppression.
With his enemies believing he already holds the complete orb, Emon and Serima continue to search for the last remaining piece. As they close in on it, they face the reality that the last piece is in a place almost impossible to access. They will need a daring plan to obtain the last orb piece and an even greater plan to confront their enemies in their stronghold. Can Emon and Serima hold their enemies at bay? How will they protect the orb pieces falling into the wrong hands, now and into the future?
"This story will suit all readers who like adventure as it evolves around the two main character's desire to live and survive against tremendous odds as they search for the reason for what is happening to them," Boorer says.
Boorer hopes to bring happiness and satisfaction to readers at the conclusion of this last book. He would like to think that they have enjoyed "The Pullian Legacy" series that he has written.
"The Pullian Legacy"
By Ron Boorer
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 502 pages | ISBN 9781524515904
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 502 pages | ISBN 9781524515898
E-Book | 502 pages | ISBN 9781524515881
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Ron Boorer presently resides with his wife in a small town in the province of Otago in the South Island of New Zealand. These books have been written over several years while living in Christchurch prior to that city having been badly damaged by a series of earthquakes. He has taken this as an opportunity to start a new life and to pursue a different career path.
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