The author, Robert Dunn, has released a new book, "MOTORMAN," on the independent horror publisher, Necro Publications, Bedlam Press & Weird West Books.
It is a chrome plated, fuel injected horror that pulls the veil from the dark Ozarks, a world of madness, violence, mysterious visitors, and V8 powered monsters looking for love. Referred to as both imaginative and daring he takes on familiar tropes and some extremely hard subject matter, and manages to do so in a way that made it his. He has crafted a unique and original creation that is just as well executed and entertaining as any that have come before it. Robert E. Dunn grew up in the Missouri Ozarks reading everything he could get his hands on. After college, a course of study that included philosophy, religion, theater, and film/TV communications left him qualified only to be a televangelist. When that didn't work out he turned to writing horror and fantasy fiction. He lives in Kansas City with three daughters, a young grandson, and an old dog. He tweets sometimes as @WritingDead but makes no promises how interesting those little posts will be.Videos