In his new guide "ChakraKey: A Key for Humanity" (published by iUniverse), Rick Ireton presents a new philosophy for life, based upon the human spiritual design, one's connection to the rainbow, and love.
From Kirkus Reviews:
"You hold in your hand a key to the most valuable treasure you might ever gain: Love, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Truth. What is more important than love, truth, and the body of inner wisdom you hold within your consciousness? What thing in life will serve you more than understanding the world in light of truth, wisdom, and knowledge? Truth is being that which is everlasting, constant, and permanent."
"ChakraKey" presents a User Guide for the human spiritual being. "As spiritual beings, we are not fully empowered, until we understand the nature of our human spiritual design. While we have a body, we are not the body. We are spiritual beings of Divine creation, each with a body vehicle for the purpose of our greater expression. Our objective in life is to be an expression of our spiritual nature, while understanding and managing our physical bodies."
Ireton believes that every human being is searching for the truth. "Because love is at our core, love is what we are looking for. 'ChakraKey' presents three symbols that illustrate our human spiritual design, and thus our purpose in life. The information is obvious for all to see and to comprehend."
"We are more than what we seem. We are an evolving dream."
By Rick Ireton
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | ISBN 9781475969658
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | ISBN 9781475969641
E-Book | ISBN 9781475969665
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Rick Ireton discovered the significance of love in 2002, and began to research the topic. In 2010, a breakthrough came with the discovery of the ChakraKey and ChakraSynergy symbols. Since then has dedicated his life to teaching about love in all of its many forms. He lives in Cardiff, Calif.
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