Rev. Henry Aikondion Idonije takes aim at the theological concept of the Trinity in his new book "God Divided? You Can't.: Trinity: A Blasphemy of God. A Kingdom Divided, Falls Not Stand." (published by AuthorHouse).
In his challenge Idonije begins at the beginning of the Trinity's place in theological discussion with the third-century A.D. postulations of Arius and Athanasius. He then studies the 451 A.D. decisions by the notable clergy of the time to accept this idea of a trisected God, and then proceeds to argue against this belief using the evidence to Scripture.
"Scripture stands alone and this book agrees with it," Idonije writes. "I have joined my voice, saying that the Lord our God is One God and in Him there is no splits or division."
An excerpt from "God Divided? You Can't.":
"The God of Heaven came down to us through His Son by the spirit. If you believe, you will live, otherwise separation from the Father awaits you at the end your life here. Num.11:24-30, Duet.6:4, Jn.3:16 & Jn.17:3"
Idonije knows that his book will have a polarizing effect on readers, but he welcomes that effect. "It will connect humanity to the Father of us all through His spirit by the Son," he says. "Humanity will either open their hearts to God or close them, thereby opening them to Satan."
About the Author
A lifelong Christian and minister, a father of grown children, a childhood athlete and a devoted disciple of Christ, Rev. Henry Aikondion Idonije lives and writes in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
He is also the author "Biblical Economics" and "God's Nuggets of Truth" as well as other books.
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