The story is set on the coast of the Mexican state of Campeche amidst a looming drug war. Protagonist Simon Donovan goes to Campeche to forget the loss of the woman he loved and to become a schooner captain. With the drug war escalating, the narco-terrorist known as El Demonio (the devil) wants to use Donovan's ship to further his own agenda.
"The book is not meant to be autobiographical," said Ballesteros. "However, it does include much of what I experienced in Colombia and Mexico as a federal agent trying to interdict illegal weapons trafficking to narcos and guerrillas."
As the first book in a trilogy, Ballesteros takes readers on an adventure inspired by his knowledge and expertise gained as a federal agent.
"Run for the Devil"
By J. J. Ballesteros
ISBN: 9781532019999 (softcover); 9781532019982 (electronic)
Available at the iUniverse Online Bookstore, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble
About the author
J. J. Ballesteros earned a history degree from the University of Texas. He served as a federal agent for 29 years, investigating international weapons trafficking, and was significantly involved in the war against Colombian and Mexican drug trafficking. Ballesteros has lived and traveled extensively in the Americas.
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