In this book, Jo shares her unadulterated views on the works of God in her life. “There are little flashing glimpses coming my way lately involving the impact of what our Lord Jesus Christ did for us on the cross,” she says. “ Perhaps the old seeds of long-ago teachings are beginning to awaken and take root in my heart as I water it with the Word.” Other than poems, short narrations and musings, the author talks about her devotion to God, her struggles in life, and the challenges she poses to her Christian and non-Christian readers.
By using a relatable—albeit symbolic—point of view, the author strives to help fellow Christians experience the joy of being obedient to God. She mentions difficulties that we face today, talking about how Satan continues to fight against God for total control of our emotions. She reiterates that humanity needs absolute renewal of mind, body, spirit, and emotions in order to achieve victory over sinfulness.
Jo also offers advice on what we can do when we lose control of ourselves, citing anger, depression and loneliness as obstacles that we must overcome. While admitting that this is easier said than done, the author reminds readers that being guided by the Holy Spirit does not guarantee safety or comfort. However, she also says that in spite of all the danger we face every day, Jesus is the right answer to everything. “As I work with the Lord and His mercy and grace toward me, I sense an awakening in my heart that draws me nearer to Him. There comes a deeper longing just to be close to Him and let His light shine upon and through me.”