Reincarnation, karma and the meaning of near-death experiences are among the subjects detailed in this epic adventure story - a story for anyone who has pondered the questions: "Who am I?" - "Why am I here?" An Upraised Chalice brings the reader on a mystical journey that begins in a small New England town, with memories of another lifetime and leads to a life changing quest that spans the world. The author takes us to places that many can only begin to imagine and details experiences that will leave the reader wanting to know what happens next.
Available in Barnes & Noble and bookstores everywhere via New Leaf Distributing and DeVorss and Co, 'An Upraised Chalice" addresses the global paradigm shift away from external organized religions towards personal spiritual odysseys. The 5-Star ForeWord Review of 'An Upraised Chalice' states "Nothing gets one's attention like one's imminent demise - the book chronicles the remarkable travels, adventures and near-death experiences that have marked the authors quest to discover the meaning of life. The practical insights detailed here, born of experience, cut across religious boundaries to convey a vibrant spirituality in plain, accessible language."
Born from a relentless desire to remember why he came into this world, detailing multiple near-death experiences, this book is the inspiring story of a lifetime's quest for the sacred, ancient wisdom, alluded to by the mystical traditions of the world's cultures. The book is predicated upon the concepts of karma and reincarnation and details the authors coming to terms with this inner understanding of a past life that he had as a boy and sought to understand more fully as he grew older. The book introduces the concept and the teachings of a "sacred Brotherhood," an ancient organization composed of the great illumined saints, masters and sages of east and west, some of which were the principals of the world's major religions.
The editor of Natural Life News stated in his review, "Periodically a book comes along that is capable of changing people's minds about Reality. The just-released "An Upraised Chalice" is one such book. It chronicles the world travels and the inner and outer experiences of the author that have marked his life, told in an engaging style, filled with pictures taken along the way, and ringing of the truth of experience."
An Upraised Chalice - Adventures and Near-Death Encounters in My Search for the Brotherhood of Light' - (ISBN 13: 978-0-9912635-2-3 ) is now available in print and eBook around the world from Amazon and in the US by Barnes & Noble and bookstores everywhere via New Leaf Distributing and DeVorss and Company. The eBook is available via Amazon and Apple iTunes.