The 90 Days Til Redemption Program is rapidly catching on and it is allowing people to quit any bad habits such as drinking, smoking, drugs, gambling, losing weight and spending unwisely. The heart of this program is the Redemption Bracelet, which people are proudly wearing during and after the process. The process helps people get control back in their life.
The author is Jack Benza and is best known for doing over 45 different Reality/game shows as a winning contestant and author of So You Wannabe on Reality. Benza's latest book, Dudes Change Your Ways in 90 Days, has been tested and approved by many success stories including his own. In the past year Jack Benza has quit smoking, lost 40 pounds, published two books, shot a national commercial for Farmer's Insurance and ran 26.2 miles in the Los Angeles Marathon.
The book is available on Amazon, Audible, Barnes and Nobles, I-tunes or at and is available as an e-book, soft cover and audio book.
Benza makes the read easy. Tools are provided in the beginning consisting of the Redemption Bracelet which signifies each day you are on, the journal which is used for self-reflection, the old Number 7 box which is used for the financial aspect of our journey, the mini rituals which are used for self-preservation, the calendar for the sense of completion and the It Takes 8 workout which allows the person to gain energy and lose weight during the process.
The book is more focused for men, but women have done the program and found success with it. Videos are available on Youtube describing each chapter or term in detail.
Benza says,"The best thing about this program is you don't have to quit your bad habits. You just learn what life is like without them for 90 Days and on Day 91 you make a decision."