Celebrated author and acclaimed reality-TV expert Vaughn Alaine-Marshall is releasing new American Idol novel Überstar - The Search For America's Next Hollywood Superstar this spring. Through the help of the crowd funding website Kickstarter.com, Alaine-Marshall seeks to gain the attention of publishers and launch his American Idol inspired book into the mainstream. His Kickstarter campaign launches today.
Based on true stories, Überstar - The Search For America's Next Hollywood Superstar promises to enthrall readers as they discover what really happens with the often edited and fabricated American reality programming."Überstar - The Search For America's Next Hollywood Superstar is written to give readers a behind the scenes and naked look at what it is like to be on American Idol. I have taken the stories of former contestants, producers and insiders and given you a virtual American Idol experience," says Alaine-Marshall.Videos