Raymond J. Burt is the authorial entity supremely in sync with mystical workings of space/time, taking science right square into the streets of social concerns, never to be willfully blinded by the ivory tower's "higher concerns." Burt has forsaken the tyrannical labyrinths of step-by-step mathematical certainty and in his new novel UFO Intervention explores the hard core of modern science with a boyish sense of adventure and a very keen eye for unlooked for effects of Einstein's cosmos on the dreary old world. Burt says that it takes space creatures looking from a wise vantage to be able to identify the beastliness that humans have taken on throughout its living history - and so his literary intervention is of real relevance not only to science but the world at large.
All those who have a yen for forward-looking science fiction with a dash of piratical humour on a craft that is "...the naked prefix of Lucifer" with a crew that "are the sales of the said universe of disruptor coils" must read this book. Through one wormhole to the next, the canny Captain Burt travels through multi-dimensional doors and even comes to discuss with his readers the possibility of UFO Intervention being snubbed by Xlibris Corporation due to some inconsistencies that many different editors at work in the universe create via the chaos of creative dislocation. Even so, readers will not fail to realise how Burt presents authority on earth in the throes of terminal dislocation. For lack of anything more beside demoniac concern's inside authority's heads, anything new and progressive will always be rejected.
Convincingly within the limits of theorem, readers will find Burt a very well read student of the sciences and will agree that the sciences need creative boosts such as UFO Intervention, if only to bring its strengths to influence a better reality. They are the scalpel which he uses to dissect modern society and reveal the rot within. Much can be inferred and seen in this journey through the golden spiral of Burt's egalitarian, iconoclastic, and mythic visions of time and space. Anything is possible according to Einstein. The space people, especially, will be highly amused.
For more information on this book, interested parties can log on to www.Xlibris.com.au.
Raymond J. Burt lives in a place called Briar Hill near Greensborough, Victoria state. He mixed it up with borough boys and other wot-sits at Watsonia technical school. He grew up a bit of a lone person, introspective despite his having chosen to live it out in the school of hard knocks. His parents were fairly authoritarian and he took on a variety of jobs after school: one of them being rally driver and navigator in professional car rallies. The 55-year old author and gentleman is an ex-trooper in the 2nd commando company of the Australian Army. He is a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn.
UFO Intervention * by Raymond J. Burt
The Biography of a Beast Throughout History
Publication Date: December 20, 2012
Trade Paperback; AU$39.99; 471 pages; I 978-1-4797-2525-0
Trade Hardback; AU$59.99; 471 pages; 978-1-4797-2526-7
Ebook; AU$3.99; 978-1-4797-2527-4