In his book unDIAGNOSED, Randy Beal struggled with a mysterious illness that initially defied understanding. After many twists and turns which culminated in a gradual deterioration of motor function Randy eventually came to terms with the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.
The journey continues in Directions as Randy relives the ongoing challenges of living with MS that cause him to re-evaluate the direction he takes and reinvent himself again and again. Now completely confined to a wheelchair, Randy must come to terms daily with his new place in life.
How in the world will Randy deal with becoming a father when he knows he may not be able to even pick up his child? How will he provide for his growing family when career choices are so limited? How can he get his growing internal rage at his own helplessness under control? How has the direction his life has taken impacted his faith?
Randy's writing is honest, often brutally so, but with an undercurrent of relatable vulnerability. As Randy finds strength for his journey, he inspires his readers to push past their own challenges as they work on reinventing themselves.
Readers can get your copy of Randy's latest work at or at their favorite online book retailer. For more information, please contact Randy Beal:, 1-708-269-1297.
About the Author:
Randy Beal is an author and entrepreneur who lives in the Chicago area. After struggling for many years with a mysterious and debilitating illness, he wrote his first book, unDIAGNOSED, about his search for a diagnosis and quest to deal with the limitations of his disease. He continues to write and challenge people to accept and overcome whatever obstacles stand in the way of living fulfilled lives.
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