In his new book, "Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind: Revolutionary Methods to Release All Barriers to Health, Healing and Happiness" (published by Balboa Press), psychologist and author Dr. Henry Grayson offers powerful new tools to readers searching for higher echelons for health and joy in life.
Grayson believes that most illnesses are a result of accumulated traumas, negative beliefs and other repetitive, harmful thought patterns. "Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind" looks to help readers learn to clear their limbic systems of unconscious programming. He offers readers methods for freeing themselves from what he calls the other unconscious blocks to healing, health and happiness.
An excerpt from "Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind":
Though not wanting to admit it consciously, many people, perhaps even most of us, want to remain essentially as powerless victims, seeing the cause and the cure of our symptoms as external. This book is for those who are tired of feeling powerless and tired of seeing any form of sickness as "happening to them." This book is for those who now wish to embrace their immense internal Power as part of the Source Energy and Intelligence of the Universe, who are ready to get past viewing the body as just a mechanistic machine with parts to be fixed, and find more ongoing health and happiness at the core of their being.
Grayson also addresses the self-limiting beliefs facing people as well, turning to scientific ideas - what he calls "... the limiting old world view of Isaac Newton's classic physics" - as an example of the notions that cause people to think of themselves as powerless in the world. He retorts, from a quantum physics and spiritual perspective, showing people the basis for his view that people have limitless potential and capability to heal.
About the Author
Henry Grayson, Ph.D., is a scientific, spiritual, mind/body psychologist who founded and directed the National Institute for the Psychotherapies in New York City. He is the author of "Mindful Loving" (in its 20th printing), the bestselling Sounds True audio series, "The New Physics of Love," as well as co-author of three professional books. Grayson integrates diverse psychotherapies with neuroscience, quantum physics, subtle energies with Eastern and Western spiritual mindfulness. He practices in New York City and Connecticut.
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