Author R.J. Hamilton aims to finally make sense of the swords and sorcery genre. He creates a tale of magic and adventure in his new novel, which delivers a compelling story of both science fiction and fantasy.
In "Cradle of Legacy - Breaking Pride" (published by Xlibris UK), the author asks readers to imagine samurai wizards with PhDs in a deadly game of magical espionage, with epic battle sequences of temporarily dilated super speed combat with metaphysical swords. The author uses science-fiction flavours to serve-up a feast of magical fantasy about a secret agent-type character.
From the hidden elfin paradise of Eilius, Val'Lorien, the only dream-weaver in the entire kingdom, must venture forth in secret to a dangerous land of warlords and sorcerers to save the elves from annihilation. Val'Lorien must navigate a land of untold intrigue filled with giants, dwarves, trolls, humans, and dragons-none are evil, but none are good.
"Cradle of Legacy - Breaking Pride" is a gripping, fast-paced read that weaves a clever fantasy tale whilst raising questions about existence.
"Cradle of Legacy - Breaking Pride"
By R.J. Hamilton
Hardcover | 6x9in | 604 pages | ISBN 9781514461129
Softcover | 6x9in | 604 pages | ISBN 9781514461112
E-Book | 604 pages | ISBN 9781514461136
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
R.J. Hamilton was born and raised in the rolling emerald hills of County Down in Northern Ireland, under the shadow of the Mourne Mountains. This ancient landscape nourished an imagination towards castles, mystical ruins, tales of giants and the hidden Faery people. From a Celtic culture famous for telling tall tales, he listened to the old country storytellers as they spun their yarns. At boarding school in Belfast, he played rugby and cultivated his creativity through painting and sculpting. After school, he travelled globally, working in Africa and studying in the Middle East, before returning home to complete his bachelor's and master's in law.
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