Poet-author R.I. Iyemere makes an expressive and eye-opening literary comeback as she presents Cries of a Tortured Soul. Unlike any other poetry collection, this book showcases verses that weave and trace the intricate contours of the author's journey through life.
In this compilation of deep and subtle poems, readers will be swept away as Iyemere pours out her honest emotions into her engrossing pieces. Cries of a Tortured Soul is a voice that articulate what's inside the poet's heart and soul. The poems in this anthology bare Iyemere's joys and pains, her experiences and struggles, her essence and aspirations, and her love and affection. These pieces talk about the author's experiences of intimidation, harassment, sexually and verbally, being pelted with eggs, being stoned, insulted and being constantly chased with dogs. This book is written in such a way that readers will be moved and inspired all at once.
In Cries of a Tortured Soul, Iyemere has woven beautiful, moral-filled and inspirational poetic pieces that will surely strike a chord in everyone. This book is not merely for the poetry enthusiasts, but for everyone who want to view life, love and everything that comes in between in a unique perspective.
For more information on this book, interested parties may log on to http://www.XlibrisPublishing.co.uk, http://www.amazon.com and http://www.barnesandnoble.com.
About the Author
Ruth Isabel Iyemere was born in Nigeria. This Nigerian - British POET, her father had 11 children, five from her mother, who had three boys and two girls. She is her first daughter and the third child. Her father died during the Nigerian Civil War. Her mother, on her own, without social security or help from their extended families on both sides, brought them up on her own. She left school without any higher school certificates, but between 1988 and 1989, she did correspondence courses and attained four GCSEs. In 1997, she started studying Law with the Open University, but sadly, in her second year, she dropped out because she could no longer fund herself. Since then, for 11 years, she has studied at the University of Hardships and learned how to write poetry on her own. Her favourite poets are T.S. Elliot, Dylan Thomas, Byron, and also found it very fascinating to read 'African Women's Poetry'. For more information on the author, readers can visit her website at http://www.ada-emiliaruthvalmori.com.
Cries of a Tortured Soul * by R.I. IYEMERE
Publication Date: June 28, 2013
Trade Paperback; £16.99; 559 pages; 978-1-4836-5102-6
Trade Hardback; £26.99; 559 pages; 978-1-4836-5103-3
Ebook; £3.99; 978-1-4836-5104-0
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