"Reason to Hope" (published by Trafford Publishing) is the true story of a young woman born into the privileged life of a white, middle-class family in South Africa at the height of apartheid. Despite a bright future with a promising career and a proposal of marriage, Amanda Peter renounced the freedoms, comforts and pleasures of this world to follow God in poverty, chastity and obedience. She was inspired by the message of Our Lady of Fatima of 1917: to save souls from the fires of hell, and to pray and suffer for them that God may give them his grace and mercy.
After a convoluted journey taking her across continents, Peter became a temporary professed sister in the Missionaries of Charity, founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta. When she later succumbed to a serious illness, she was forced to return to the world where she later married.
Filled with personal transparency as well as a wealth of information on the Catholic faith, the author's account of her early life is touching, thought-provoking, emotional and spiritually enlightening.
"Reason to Hope" is meant for those who are curious about faith, religious life, spirituality, Mother Teresa or Catholicism and includes interesting personal insights into Mother Teresa and how she interacted with her sisters and the poor. The book also holds appeal for those interested in a different side of life that is rarely portrayed in modern times, irrespective of creed or sect. Its call to hope is an inspiring, true account.
"Reason to Hope"
By Amanda Peter
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 328 pages | ISBN 9781490746944
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 328 pages | ISBN 9781490746937
E-Book | 328 pages | ISBN 9781490746951
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Amanda Peter's memoir is an inspiring story woven in love, suffering, sorrow, joy and hope. Peter is married and lives in London. She works in the field of pharmaceutical research and clinical trials for the development of new medicines. This is her first book. More information can be found at: http://www.Reasontohopebook.com.
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