Today families invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in a college education. Does investing in a college education guarantee a successful career for your young adult? The answer is NO. According to the Department of Labor, nearly 50% of college graduates have jobs that do not require a college degree. And it will remain that way for the foreseeable future. Today's job market is tougher than ever. Even growth industries long thought to be a sure thing are streamlining talent to cut rising costs.
How do parents empower their students to take the right steps to secure their future? What can a student do to get on the right path to achieve the career they have dreamed of since they embarked on their college journey?Bestselling author, award winning professor, and long-time HR executive, R. William Holland launches a series of workshops and individual coaching programs to help parents and their students become their own effective career counselors. "The number one concern for parents," says Dr. Holland "is the inability of their college graduate to gain traction in the professional job market."Videos