After twenty years of silence, Queli Sunshine has found her voice and she speaks up in Fragments of Me, her writing debut. This collection of short stories follows a young woman who, despite overwhelming circumstances, has managed to survive everything that life has dealt without losing her ability to love, her compassion, nor her spirit. While these accounts are very private and painful to rehash, it is most important to her to spread the word about abuse, so that every victim may take comfort in the fact that they are not alone. Queli offers an intimate look into her life, a sincere connection to her readers as she bares her soul.
The stories are arranged in a sequence where she reveals more about herself as it progresses, allowing the reader to get to know Queli in stages. Every story portrays a slightly different facet of her personality, and all are valid to understanding the way she thinks and experiences life. Just as every action has a reaction, there are many events that shape one's life and their future decisions. Being molested by her biological father and his subsequent suicide was like an undefined chain reaction, whose effects are still being discovered even now. All but two of the stories are completely true; and those two are based on some of her life's events or anecdotes, which explore different outcomes or fears, like an experiment of how her life could be.
Queli Sunshine's Fragments of Me is available on ( in electronic from only at this time, and can be downloaded free of charge during these promotional days:
Sunday May 5th
Wednesday May 22nd
Thursday May 23rd
Sunday June 2nd
Thursday June 20th.
Queli Sunshine is currently working on the first novel in her Evolution of Angels series (Evola for short), entitled; Metamorphosis. This series is about a secret new race of humans that are just as flawed and not divinely inclined in the least. For more information or news, you can follow her on Facebook and Twitter @quelisunshine, or you may reach the author directly at quelisunshine(at)gmail(dot)com.