ROCHESTER, N.Y., Feb. 15, 2018 /PRNewswire/ In her new Anxiety & Panic Workbook, psychotherapist and YouTuber Jodi Aman shares what you need to do to overcome anxiety and panic for good. Aman says, "Anxiety is not a life sentence. You are not just wired that way. Anxiety is actually highly treatable. People are suffering needlessly when they just need to know what to do to get rid of it."
Aman points out that there are ways of thinking that lead to anxiety and ways of thinking that eliminate it. It is how you think about what you feel that makes the difference. Aman teaches people how to understand anxiety so they are no longer afraid. She says, "Anxiety needs you to be scared for it to have power, but once you understand it, you have the power and anxiety shrinks away."
Aman has personal experience with anxiety. In her youth, she was immobilized by her own panic and anxiety, yetshe clawed her way back to life and taught herself to master happiness.
In Anxiety & Panic Workbook: Stop Stressing, Start Living she details:
CREDENTIALS: As a practicing psychotherapist who has worked with approximately 35 people a week for more than 20 years, Jodi Aman knows people. She received a master's degree in social work from Columbia University and has studied and taught narrative therapy across the U.S., Canada, Australia, Norway, Germany and China focusing on trauma and anxiety recovery. She is also the author of the best-selling book You 1, Anxiety 0: Win Your Life Back from Fear and Panic in which she shows readers six steps to cure anxiety. Aman films and edits her own YouTube channel and has five online courses focusing on getting rid of anxiety and empowering people to have more joy in their lives. She plays herself in the self-help movie The Secrets of the Keys.
More information and press kit are available at
AVAILABILITY: New York City, Rochester or by telephone and Skype
CONTACT: Jodi Aman, (585) 233 8979;
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