In “Cat Tales: Da Real Pussy,” author Mick E. Jones presents a family-friendly compilation of feline-centric vignettes that twines unique stories about an eclectic collection of urban felines with deeply spiritual knowledge that reaches into the core of human existence, God’s creation of and hand in life and the special relationship that exists between people and animals.
“Cats have always fascinated and intrigued me,” Jones said. “However the felines in ‘Cat Tales’ intersected with my life, I always knew it was destiny – the initiation of a spiritual journey, seemingly by chance. But I’ve come to learn that nothing happens just by chance. All things are interrelated in conjunction with the order of the universe, and felines connect to this order in ways that are often mysterious to us humans.”
“These stories give us a surprising interplay of intrigue, humor, betrayal, and love,” a reader wrote in a five-star review of the book on Amazon. “There is a philosophical overview of interactions that lead to an insightful, entertaining exchange that makes the reading charming and a fulfilling literary pleasure.”
A rhythmic, conversational and accessible read, “Cat Tales” delivers a simple but profound peek into the complex lives of cats and the unique love and companionship they deliver to the humans with whom they cross paths.
“Cat Tales: Da Real Pussy”
By Mick E. Jones
ISBN: 978-1-4836-0056-7 (hardback); 978-1-4836-0055-0 (paperback); 978-1-4836-0057-4 (electronic)
Available through Xlibris, Barnes & Noble and Amazon
About the author
Mick E. Jones is an accomplished actor, author, speaker and poet. He has been in numerous national commercials, and he enjoys teaching fundamental boxing techniques to people of all ages and levels of skill at the Hollywood YMCA. Jones is also the author of “In the Moment” and is passionate about providing inspiration and mentorship to young people through his messages of positivity and wry musings on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A husband and father, Jones currently resides in Los Angeles. To learn more, please view a trailer for his book here.
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