"Adequacy" (published by Balboa Press) is the voice of debut author Priya Vaswani's heart. Intimate and candid, this inspiring book offering touches readers' hearts, planting the seeds of love, care, assurance, faith and sufficiency.
"Adequacy" is a shift from living in fear of lack to embracing one's self with love and being enough. Vaswani's theory, knowledge and personal understanding of this are what this book is about.
"'Adequacy' is not a high mountain to climb or a deep ocean to explore." It offers a simple feeling that can express itself to a reader in happiness and sadness, in joy and despair, on good days and bad days, at any moment in life when one has the slightest feeling of just being alright with all that is.
"My book is different. It has science, prose and poetry, put together in a simple and easily understandable way. Those who have read it find it easy to absorb, provocative, meditative, caring and compassionate," Vaswani points out.
A snippet from the book reads:
When all the different facets of your life are in harmony, when peace has a home in your heart, when the noise of the world around you sounds to you like a symphony, you sit with your space within, in ever loving bliss. In the deepest corner of your heart, there is safety and comfort. The chatter of doubts has silenced itself leaving place just for the blissful essence of love. You can feel your power, you become one with it, allowing all the areas of your life to lead you to your dreamed destiny.
By Priya Vaswani
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 304 pages | ISBN 9781504369985
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 304 pages | ISBN 9781504369961
E-Book | 304 pages | ISBN 9781504369978
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Priya Vaswani is a wife, mother, businesswoman, author and an ardent reader. Words with lyrical magic are her favorite form of expression. Shy, quiet and highly observant, writing allows her inner self to reach out and touch people with her musical words.
Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, Inc. - a leading provider in publishing products that specialize in self-help and the mind, body, and spirit genres. Through an alliance with indie book publishing leader Author Solutions, LLC, authors benefit from the leadership of Hay House Publishing and the speed-to-market advantages of the self-publishing model. For more information, visit balboapress.com. To start publishing your book with Balboa Press, call 877-407-4847 today. For the latest, follow @balboapress on Twitter.