Worry and stress negatively affect all aspects of life and can lead to depression, psychical illness or a loss of family.
"Take No Thought" explores the importance and benefits of living a life free of worry and unease about issues out of one's control. Author Preston R. Winfrey combines his personal experiences and the lessons he has learned over the years into a practical guide that explains how letting go of worry opens up a world of positive possibility.
Inspired by the range of emotions and fears surrounding the new millennium, Winfrey took to writing his suggestions and exploring the impacts of stress on people's daily lives. "Take No Thought" looks at trust, faith and forgiveness and how they counteract the crippling side effects of stress and anxiety.
"I used to spend a lot of time worrying about things that weren't within my control," said Winfrey.
"I'd like to help others replace those universal worries with a better sense of understanding of how to deal with needless worry and unforeseen changes."
The book provides the opportunity to introduce other, larger conversations about difficult subjects in society. Through the use of Bible passages, Winfrey illustrates the importance of letting go of anxiety and living in faith and trust.
For more information, please visit bookstore.iuniverse.com.
Take No Thought: God's Reply to Our Borrowed Anxieties
By: Preston R. Winfrey
Hardcover: $24.95
Paperback: $14.95
ISBN: 9781475995398
Available at bookstore.iuniverse.com, amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com
About the author
Preston R. Winfrey has a doctorate in theology. He has served as pastor of the Pioneer Missionary Baptist Church for more than 30 years. Winfrey is active in the Baptist community, having served in the Union District Baptist Association of Chicago and the Chicago Baptist Institute among other programs. He currently lives with his wife in South Holland, Illinois.