TULSA, Okla., Oct. 11, 2017 /PRNewswire/ The book "Pondering Pogo's Enemy - One Op-Ed at a Time" is a compilation of 36 of Herb Van Fleet's opinion pieces selected from more than 50 that have been published over the last eight years.
These op-eds cover topics ranging from the minimum wage, the death penalty, abortion, terrorism, racism, healthcare, the Supreme Court and much more. Thirty-six essays, each punctuating a unique juncture in American history, politics and culture.
And these pieces might not be what you would expect. Each issue addressed by Van Fleet is unique to our time, and framed within the context of what he sees as a key factor: fallible human nature.
At a time when political analysis is spurred by Tweets, and the division in Congress runs along the deepening fault line across the nation that separates urban from rural, rich from poor and black from white, these essays don't just summarize the many debates. Rather, they reveal Mr. Van Fleet's own grappling with the question of who we have become, looking to history for context, and into the future for where we may be headed. In this, the author gives voice to the questions so many have these days and perhaps also, for some, a way to come to an answer, and a way forward. We don't have to be the enemy.
Here is a book review by a verified purchaser on Amazon who gave it 5.0 out of 5 stars:
"Outstanding Op-Eds are rare. They are nuggets of rich content in a small package, to be savored, thought about, and enjoyed. Mr. Van Fleet writes one focused, insightful, ironic, and challenging nugget after another. The thirty-six are divided conveniently into five categories so one can pick and choose. Each is complete but clearly part of a bigger conversation. Short historical references provide context. And yes, upon completion of Mr. Van Fleet's book, my first thought was that it would be an outstanding book for group discussion. Better yet, a national discussion. Of course, I purchased more copies for my children."
Pondering Pogo's Enemy should be of interest to anyone interested in current events or for use in their own writing as reference or inspiration especially students.
Herb Van Fleet's book (ISBN: 978-1-5323-1760-6) is 148 pages, and is available both in print and as an eBook. It can be found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-a-Million and other online book sellers.
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Herb Van Fleet
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SOURCE Herb Van Fleet