Ever since he was a child, author Piero Papini Settepani has felt a deep-seated motivation to change the world around him. Aware of society's shortcomings, he has been compelled by a sense of purpose to change and perhaps ultimately save humanity. Many of society's most revered institutions - religion, marriage, and money - are thoroughly examined and put under the author's critical microscope.
"The Infinitum Theory" offers fascinating and uplifting proposals on how the world could, and perhaps should, really be. This book is a real game changer.
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THE INFINITUM THEORY (ISBN: 978-1-62212-719-1) is now available for $22 and can be ordered through the publisher's website: sbpra.com/PeroPapiniSettepani or at www(dot)amazon(dot)com or www(dot)barnesandnoble(dot)com.
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About the Author: Piero Papini Settepani was born and raised in Rome, Italy, but currently lives in the small town of Kingscliff in New South Wales, Australia. Now retired, he spends as much of his time writing as possible. The Infinitum Theory is his first book.
Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co, LLC