The new novel by Philmore Butts, "The Student" (published by AuthorHouse), tells the story of a college freshman from Chicago who is studying at Eastern Michigan University and trying to balance his academics with parenting a child.
Adam Harris is criticized in his hometown of Chicago for his commitment to studying. He decides it would be better to study out of state and stay with his aunt's family in a Detroit suburb. He starts seeing Lisa Dunlap and accidentally gets her pregnant. As Adam and Lisa work to raise their child and deal with the other duties of parenthood and life, they find themselves feeling drawn to one another, despite other passing relationships.
Butts explains, "I want readers to enjoy, as well as be thrilled by, the numerous events and sexual exploits found throughout the pages, and to embrace the humane-ness of the characters."
In addition to creating a novel for readers to enjoy, Butts wants readers to come away from his book with the understanding that, "with drive and determination, even the hardest goals can be obtained."
"The Student"
By Philmore Butts
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 264 pages | ISBN 9781491826379
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 264 pages | ISBN 9781491826386
E-Book | 264 pages | ISBN 9781491826362
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Philmore Butts is an American author from the Southern region of the U.S. He was raised in the North and attended public schools in Michigan, where he graduated and went on to attend a private Catholic university. After attaining degrees in psychology and sociology, he went on to work as a social worker, teacher and supervisor for an all-girls detention center. He is now pursuing his dream to become a writer.
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