“Philanthropy is the ultimate luxury,” said Hammer. “It is giving away money in hopes of changing something in the world and your community, and doing so with the people closest to you—your family.” Many family offices believe philanthropy must be technical or overly measured to be effective, she continued, and that’s not the case. She asks family offices to consider: “What would it look like if you created a strategy around what you and your family are already passionate about?”
The Business of Wealth: Balancing Passion and Strategy thoughtfully examines the pros and limitations of philanthropy by passion versus strategic philanthropy, and offers ideas and questions for philanthropic families and family offices as they move toward more intentional and impactful philanthropy.
“Suzanne has been a regular contributor to Family Office Magazine for the past few years and her articles are not just enlightening but essential to the family office space. We are honoured to have her on the front cover of the magazine, and thrilled that this valuable information will reach family offices across the globe,” said publisher Toni Muricu.
Suzanne Hammer of Hammer & Associates gives family offices the tools they need to engage in and connect with their philanthropy—helping philanthropic individuals and families pair their passion with proven strategies. To learn more, download her EngagedPhilanthropy™ toolkits at SuzanneHammer.com. Follow @SuzHammerGiving.