Philadelphia novelist Nicole Wolverton, lauded for her "wholly original and fearlessly dark" psychological thriller by The Millions literary magazine, will appear at BookExpo America to promote her book. Touted as the largest gathering of book trade professionals, this year's event will be held at the Javits Center in New York, NY, from May 30, 2013 to June 1, 2013.
Wolverton's debut novel, The Trajectory of Dreams (ISBN 978-1938463440), was recently released in paperback and electronic format from Bitingduck Press. This stunning suspense novel explores perceived reality through the lens of mental illness, taking readers on a thrill ride through protagonist Lela White's carefully crafted and highly volatile world. Set against the backdrop of a revitalized space shuttle program, White believes that only she can keep each launch safe by breaking into astronauts' homes to ensure they have the proper sleep patterns. Her world shatters, however, when her past and present, reality and fantasy converge. As White's mission fractures, no one is safe.
Publishers Weekly calls the novel "a skillful mainstream examination of a psychotic woman's final descent into insanity."
Wolverton will sign copies of The Trajectory of Dreams on May 31, 2013 at 4 pm in the Independent Book Publishers Association booth at BookExpo America.
She will also appear at launches in several New York- and Philly-area bookstores over the course of the summer, beginning with the William G. Rohrer Memorial Library in Westmont, New Jersey on June 4 and The Doylestown Bookshop on June 8.
Nicole Wolverton is a freelance editor and writer from the Philadelphia area. She grew up in Berwick, Pennsylvania and is an alumna of Temple University. Her short fiction has appeared in Black Heart Magazine, Penduline, and The Molotov Cocktail, among others. She is founder of Farm to Philly, a website devoted to eating locally and sustainable living that has been featured in GRID Magazine and on Slashfood.
Bitingduck Press is an independent publisher with a particular interest in fiction about science and the lives of scientists. They are currently accepting submissions in all genres; details for submission are given on their website. A photo or interview with the author is available by contacting Bitingduck Press through its on-line contact form or by emailing the editors directly.