Delightful and endearing, The Bricklayers' Secret brings to life a seemingly ordinary object found in construction sites. Beautifully crafted, this work by author Peter Killick shares a charming story that will indeed take the imagination to a whole new level.
A damaged house brick, which is not fit to be cemented into a wall, crosses paths with a young boy. As destiny would have it, this youngster dreams of becoming a bricklayer one day. As he finds this broken little brick, he comes to realize that it could actually talk, asking him to take it to the building site so it can be reunited with his brick friends. Unbeknownst to them, this little act of communication between a brick and a non-bricklayer can lead to severe consequences. The punishment for breaking "The Bricklayers' Secret" is for one to be put inside a crusher.
Just as the brick is about to be crushed into pieces, the young boy is able to rescue it by revealing to the bricklayer that he himself had experience in bricklaying, when he helped his father build their garden wall. This technicality was just what saved the piece of brick from being thrown into the rubble crushing machine. Nonetheless, the time had come when the brick and the boy had to venture towards their separate ways. And so they did, however, only temporarily. Readers will be thrilled to find out how the two were again reunited.
A fascinating story that will indeed stir the creative minds of its readers, The Bricklayers' Secret shares captivating lessons about the consequences of one's actions and the importance of having genuine friends. Engaging, this work will definitely etch a mark within its children's hearts.
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Peter Killick is a retired electronics engineer. He has written many short stories and this is his second published novel.
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