If leadership makes a difference, then strategic leadership is the difference - the difference between accomplishing organizational goals or not; the difference between thriving or failing through a global economic crisis; the difference between high-performing teams and stagnant ones. On September 25 -26, 2013, at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio, the 2013 Strategic Leadership Summit is bringing together 300 global strategic leaders to share and learn the most innovative techniques designed to tackle the challenges that we face in today's markets and organizations. Featured keynote speaker and #1 New York Times bestselling author, Peter Guber, and opening keynote speaker and international selling author, Marilyn Tam, inform on the value contributions that distinguish strategic leaders.
A lineup of 26 highly accomplished executives, decision makers and management consultants from North America has been selected to speak during the event. The theme for 2013 is "Own Your Power." According to Terina Allen, chair of ARVoices Strategic Leadership Network and president & CEO of ARVis Institute, "Attendees will experience learning, sharing and networking at the deepest levels and leave with an understanding that they have the power, influence and ability to shape highly effective teams, to create the organizational cultures they want, and to improve organizational efficacy regarding service, profits, values, and outcomes."
The focus of strategic leaders extends beyond the role of having and communicating a vision to fully understanding, thinking about, planning, and executing the necessary strategy to realize it. You can download the full 36-page summit program here and view our leadership, management and executive whitepapers which have become some of the most viewed and hottest topics via Slideshare on LinkedIn.
The two-day summit provides three (3) keynote speakers, closing with Dr. James Bohn, global director of change management for Johnson Controls (recently retired) and publisher of groundbreaking research on organizational efficacy. Also offered are four (4) pre-summit workshops, twenty-four (24) strategic breakout sessions and (2) networking events. Members of the press are welcome.
Peter Guber, featured keynote speaker, states "You can't win alone. The difference-maker in today's uncertain and lightening fast world is the strategic leader, who by owning her own power, incites and excites her team to perform to their highest potential contributing sustained competitive advantage to their organization."
In addition to leading Mandalay Entertainment Group, Guber is co-owner of the NBA's Golden State Warriors; owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers; chairman of Dick Clark Productions; an entertainment and media analyst for Fox Business News; a professor at UCLA Anderson's School of Management and the School of Theater, Film, Television and Digital Media; and the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Tell to Win - Connect, Persuade, and Triumph with the Hidden Power of Story.
Opening keynote speaker, Marilyn Tam, says, "In today's globally connected social and economic environment, we have to integrate and empower all available talent and wisdom to thrive and prosper. This is only possible when the leaders are strategic enough to listen and incorporate the input into their organizational plans to inspire and lead."
Tam is recognized as one of the top 30 female entrepreneurs by Fempreneur Magazine; Jack Canfield detailed her work in his book "The Success Principles," Brand Channel calls her one of the four most prominent names in ethical business. Tam, an international selling author, recently released her latest book The Happiness Choice. She is the founder and executive director of Us Foundation, a contributor to Huffington Post, and a weekly radio show host. Former roles include serving as CEO of Aveda Corp., president of Reebok Apparel and Retail Group and vice president of Nike, Inc.
ARVoices was established by ARVis Institute, an international strategy, management consulting and executive development firm of six years based in Columbus, Ohio, as a platform for leaders to explore, decipher, and interpret the best concepts for achieving organizational excellence, anticipating and responding to change, and aligning organizational systems, processes, and people with enhanced services and profits. ARVis Institute delivers short and long-term consulting, learning and coaching services for corporations, governments, educational institutions, nonprofits, and small businesses in areas such as strategy, organizational systems and performance, culture, and human capital management.
For more information, go here http://arvoices.com or contact Terina Allen, Chair, at (800) 901-1680. Registration is now open. Attendees who register by June 30 will save a full $200 off regular rates. Register three or more and save $260 on each registrant.