Peter G. Bailey offers historical fiction fans an imposing work set against the backdrop of the Japanese Island of Shikoko. Titled Taiso, this sensational trust and betrayal tale with will stun its audience from beginning to end with an intense premise and storyline that highlights the horror of unrestrained authorities acting despotically in the people's name.
This 16th century epic centers on Kumi Takura, born in Yamanishi Castle on the island of Shikoko, whose life start so dramatically and would end in the same way. With strength and intellect, this samurai dominated men and situations starting as a gallant frontline fighter and becoming a battle-winning Taiso. He established an estimable guise to his comrades and a dangerous and unforgiving reputation to his foes.
Needing a respite before embarking on a mission to lead an invasion army, Takura returns home to find that his sick father is about to lose their province for defaulting tax dues. Discovering the taxes have been collected and converted by his father's unscrupulous chancellor, he dispenses quick justice. Little does Takura know this one move to settle a dispute will lead to a cascade of many others until he finds himself fighting a full-scale war. And as in all wars, no one wins.
Set in conflict-torn, ancient Japan, readers can follow this classic story that progresses into an intricate web of battles, retaliations and unlikely alliances, which eventually combine to precipitate a heart-wrenching end. Thoroughly compelling with heavy twists and turns, Bailey's Taiso is a fictional masterpiece that merits attention.
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About the Author
Peter G. Bailey was born in London of London parents and London grandparents, but firmly disclaims being a Londoner himself. Most of his life has been spent well outside the defining sound of Bow Bells and the more recent influence of the T-swallowing Estuary English. His first venture from the grime of the smog-ridden capital, and the most influential, was his wartime evacuation to a small village in North Devon, a clean county of unrestrained tolerance, apple orchards and grazing cows. Any cloying nostalgia for a return to grimy, battered London passed unnoticed.
Taiso * by Peter G. Bailey
Publication Date: May 15, 2013
Trade Paperback; £16.99; 690 pages; 978-1-4836-0908-9
Trade Hardback; £26.99; 690 pages; 978-1-4836-0984-3
Ebook; £3.99; 978-1-4836-0909-6
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