In "High Up in the Rolling Hills: A Living on the Land" (published by iUniverse), author Peter Finch shares the personal journey that he and his wife, Gundi, set out on, exploring, as an independent couple, the vital role of nature, creativity and healthy food in life.
In midlife, the couple made the shift to living on the land, ushering in a new phase in their life, as they set down roots in the hills and settled into a deliberately simplified lifestyle. Invigorated by their natural surroundings and the pleasures and health benefits of growing, selling, and eating fresh organic food, Finch reveals how he became a passionate advocate of traditional, small-scale, organic, chemical-free farming.
An excerpt from "High Up in the Rolling Hills":
"Craving fresh air, peace and quiet, a simpler life, a slower pace and more space, we headed up into these mysterious hills. We feathered our new nest, a hillside homestead and a sizeable (55 acres) chunk of land, and wondered what tomorrow might bring. The rural community we came to was first cautious, then accommodating, then outright welcoming to us."
Finch says that the creative and natural lifestyle they adopted has brought health, wellbeing, inspiration and contentment. "Peace of mind is the reward for living simply and well," he says. "The more we stray from nature, the more lost we become".
"High Up in the Rolling Hills"
By Peter Finch
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 204 pages | ISBN 9781475985870
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 204 pages | ISBN 9781475985856
E-Book | ISBN 9781475985863
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Peter Finch was born in Buckinghamshire, England, and is a dual-nationality naturalized Canadian who graduated with a degree in modern languages from St. Peter's College (Oxford University). A world traveler and organic farmer, Finch lives with his wife, Gundi, in the rolling hills of Northumberland County near Toronto in southern Ontario, Canada. "High Up in the Rolling Hills" is Finch's first book.
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