In “Silent, But Superhero,” Seven tells the story of Beatrix, a woman who grew up in a broken home with hardships such as poverty and violence that had lasting effects on her into adulthood. Society casts her aside, but Beatrix uses her skills in personal development and faith in God to overcome them and better herself and humanity.
Throughout the book, Seven references Beatrix’s faith and uses Biblical quotes, though the book can relate to readers of all ages, genders and faiths.
Along her personal journey, Beatrix fills her toolbelt with skills that she later uses to transform herself and others for the greater good of humanity, such as seeing truth, using your voice and thought processing techniques.
“Beatrix is proof that one can be faced with insurmountable odds and hardships in life, and learn to thrive,” Seven said. “She used the very things that others saw as her disadvantages and leveraged them to conquer whatever was needed.”
In “Silent, But Superhero,” readers can discover their inner truth, rip off the labels of society and be a director of change for themselves and others.
“Silent, But Superhero: Releasing Your Power and Purpose ”
By: Mindscope Seven
ISBN: 978-1-9736-2839-2 (sc); 978-1-9736-2840-8 (hc); 978-1-9736-2838-5 (e)
Available at the WestBow Press Online Bookstore, Barnes and Noble and Amazon
About the Author
MINDSCOPE SEVEN has more than twenty-seven years of business experience, which included sales management and business ownership. Her paradoxical style goes against the expected, to render results in the most complicated, even dangerous, situations. Her strong perception of human behavior, combined with her humble beginnings, forced her to invent ways of overcoming disadvantaged positions. She learned to use disadvantage as the advantage. She has successfully raised two children, along with the pressures of business ownership, and now feels her calling of service to be alleviating the suffering of her fellow humans and helping to effect the urgent changes needed for a more hopeful future, for our children and the generations to come. For more information about the author and her book, please visit:
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480-998-2600 ext. 584
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480-998-2600 ext. 557
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