As a little girl, Penny Davis helped her grandmother care for an ailing neighbor during a hot summer - one of a network of neighborly volunteers who helped care for the gravely ill woman. Although that act took place long before hospice became recognized as a level of care, it inspired Davis, who spent 45 years in health care herself. Her new book explores the world of hospice care, sharing stories from hospice team members, patients and their families as examples of love, wisdom, humor, friendship, resilience, compassion and courage.
"PJ's, Pearls, and Fishing Poles: Life Lessons of Style and Substance" provides insights into a hospice interdisciplinary team and how it works, meshing the talents of a medical director, nurses, home health aids, chaplain, social workers, bereavement coordinator, volunteer coordinator, volunteers, sales team and executive director. Hospice, which focuses on the patient, offers everything from pain management to emotional support as families navigate quality end-of-life care. The hospice team hears it all, from anxious people who don't know how to talk to their friends in hospice to requests for egg salad recipes at 3 a.m. and helping patients create gifts for loved ones as a legacy. This heart-warming book celebrates both patients and the special team. It focuses not on death or dying but on the heart and soul of living.
Author Penny Davis serves as a board member for the Indiana Hospice Palliative Care Organization and volunteers with a local hospice after retiring as executive director. A portion of proceeds from "PJ's, Pearls, and Fishing Poles" will be donated to hospice.
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PJ's, Pearls, and Fishing Poles: Life Lessons of Style and Substance
Penny Davis
Dog Ear Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-4575-2326-7 104 pages $14.95 US
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