Penn Jillette, renowned magician from the Emmy Award winning Las Vegas show Penn & Teller, will discuss his latest book Every Day is an Atheist Holiday! in Toronto on Saturday, November 2nd at the MacLeod Auditorium at University of Toronto at 7:00PM. The event is hosted by the national educational charity Centre for Inquiry.
Penn has appeared on Oprah, Glenn Beck, Dancing with the Stars, Celebrity Apprentice, The Simpsons, and Friends, and is a regular on David Letterman. This year, Penn and Teller were given their own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and awarded Las Vegas Magicians of the Year.
"We are very excited to host an exclusive evening with funnyman and magician Penn Jillette," said Justin Trottier, CFI Spokesperson. "Penn's combination of skepticism and a strong defense of unbelief, presented with his characteristic animated irreverence, should make for an event both hilarious and informative."
WHEN: 7:00 p.m., Saturday, November 2, 2013
WHERE: Macleod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto, 1 King's College Circle