In every story, there is a taste of universal truth. In every adult, there is a child who has been hidden from view.
In author Paulette C. Hammack's new book, "Whisperings in the Wings," readers will find a collection of stories focusing on faith and healing as they pertain to the inner self. They are a mix of memoir and fiction that explores the relationship between these factors.
"These stories are both personal and universal," said Hammack. "They possess raw emotion, which is precisely why they are so relatable."
Hovering somewhere between memory and inspiration, the collection centers on female characters facing social issues that women must face while transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Through self-awareness of this transition, readers can find healing and the freedom that comes with forgiveness, Hammack said.
"Whisperings in the Wings"
By Paulette C. Hammack
ISBN: 978-1-44979-198-8
Retail price: $11.99
Available at,, and .
About the Author
Paulette C. Hammack has been a child development teacher and is currently director of the Third Order Carmelite's. She lives in Pensacola, Florida with her husband.