Dog Ear Publishing is proud to announce the release of "The Hollow Man," the story of a young American field analyst sent by his government agency to study terror tactics. This nameless agent is desperate to stay out of Vietnam, where American men are dying daily, but he is deeply embroiled in a deadly cross-continental chase as he attempts to foil Chaban, a mastermind assassin who hopes to explode the European economy and many innocent citizens as well.
The analyst's agency has cut him loose, and his own conscience (as well as the haunting memory of one of Chaban's previous victims) keeps him on the murder's trail. The only help the young man has comes from Zita, a young M16 agent as well as the analyst's longtime friend and lover. Zita's tendency to be in the right place at the right time saves the analyst more than once, and the cat-and-mouse game he's playing with the evil Chaban becomes more dangerous with the passing of every moment. Can the analyst derail the determined terrorist, or will the continent of Europe and its people suffer at Chaban's hands? "The Hollow Man" is a fast-paced thrill ride, filled with twists and turns as the analyst and Zita attempt to save a significant portion of the Earth's population.
Author Paul Hollis, a traveler at heart, uses the experience he gained during the nine years of living abroad teaching companies about potential global implications to create a vivid portrait of 1970s Europe. This is the first book in the Hollow Man series.
The Hollow ManAvailable at Ingram,, Barnes & Noble and fine bookstores everywhere.
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