Set during the period surrounding the English Civil War, "When War Ends" (published by AuthorHouse UK) follows Catherine, the daughter of a Puritan strip farmer, and Martin, the Protestant son of a wealthy cloth merchant. As war brews, Martin's brother supports the king; while Martin stands with Parliament. Catherine and Martin's fathers also join the struggle, but Catherine's father is against her marrying a Protestant.
A story of religious differences, coming of age, war and domestic life in the 17th century, "When War Ends" is the product of author Patricia Tomlin's love of history and an idea she had for several years.
Under the veil of war, Catherine and Martin grow and find romance despite the challenging circumstances. A fast-paced narrative, the story is marked by love, betrayal, loyalty and danger. It is the first book in series that follows Catherine, Martin and their children during the following years.
Of her readers, Tomlin says, "I want them to fall in love with the characters and feel that they have taken part in the story."
"When War Ends"
By Patricia Tomlin
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 272 pages | ISBN 9781504938112
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 272 pages | ISBN 9781504938105
E-Book | 272 pages | ISBN 9781504938150
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Patricia Tomlin began to write when she retired. She wanted to write about an ordinary family in an historic setting and chose the English Civil War because little had been written about it and Tomlin found it fascinating. "When War Ends" is the beginning of a series about the same family, continually moving forward in time to explore different periods of history. The other current entries in the series include "Moving On" and "Iron Petticoats." More information can be found at:
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