“I speak to many Christians who say they have trouble with falling to sleep and often wake up close to the hour of three am. This is a spiritual attack,” says Loranger. “Christians need deliverance, and this book takes them through their deliverance covering it all.”
“The Holy Spirit Will Deliver You” offers hope and guidance toward relief and redemption. With the aid of the Holy Spirit, Loranger shares how she undertook two lengthy spiritual deliverances, in which she cast a large number of evil spirits out of herself. She believes that through the aid of God’s Spirit that dwells within, all believers can set themselves free from the chains that bind them.
“We are now in what the Bible calls the last days. Satan is coming at the Christian church with more vigor than ever before in history,” Loranger explains. “When Christ comes for His church how many of us will be truly ready to be taken up?”
“The Holy Spirit Will Deliver You”
By Patricia L. Loranger
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 328 pages | ISBN 9781532049781
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 328 pages | ISBN 9781532049767
E-Book | 328 pages | ISBN 9781532049774
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Patricia L. Loranger is also the author of “Child of Woe, Child of Sorrow.” She currently lives in Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada. The author is on Twitter @PoogieC.